Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association, Inc.


P. O. Box 116, Long Barn, CA  95335-0116

Phone:  (209) 586-3098    Fax:  (209) 586-3098

E-Mail:  sierrapark@sierrapark.org



November 22, 2006



A careful review of the Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association (OFSRA) Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation has revealed that all property owners in Sierra Park are eligible to sit on the OFSRA Board of Directors.  This does not effect the requirement to be an Odd Fellow/Rebekah and a property owner in order to vote on OFSRA business at a members meeting, including the election of board members.


This research and subsequent findings are the result of a request made to the Board of Directors at the May 2006 Annual Meeting.


For more details see:


President’s Synopsis - 11/22/2006

Attorney’s Analysis and Opinion - 11/10/2006 (PDF 274 KB)  

Bylaws of OFSRA - 12/1/1984 (PDF 1.21 MB)  

Articles of Incorporation of OFSRA - 7/6/1986 (PDF 253 KB)  




Charles P. Varvayanis


Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association, Inc.




(209) 586-3782 (Phone)

(209) 586-3761 (Fax)