You must decide what services or products best meet your needs. A listing on the page does not constitute an endorsement by Odd Fellows Sierra Park or the website provider.
Periodically the park and its residents receive referral requests for Local Restaurants, Stores, and Services. We do not maintain a comprehensive list of these vendors but have received the following referals from park residents:
Sonny's Mini-Mart
Deli ~ Espresso ~ Smoothies
Liquor ~ ATM ~ Gasoline
Bait & Tackle and Much More
24941 Highway 108
Sierra Village, CA 95346
Phone: (209) 586-4662 Business Card - 7/2007 (PDF 84.1 KB) Map
For a more comprehensive list, please refer to the AT&T Yellow Pages. AT&T phone directories are available free of charge at Save Mart in Sonora.
If you have had a good experiance with a local restaurant, store, or service and would like to share this information with the residents of the park, please submit the information to Charles Varvayanis
Website created and managed by Charles Varvayanis
To submit comments or contribute material contact:
Charles Varvayanis
P.O. Box 395, Long Barn, CA 95335-0395
Phone: (209) 586-3782
Fax: (209) 586-3761