This photo was taken on The BIG DAY, June 26, 1949, during the initial sale of the lots.
The photo was by taken by Joe Brick.
The original print is in the possession of Clare Smith.
The print was given to Clare by Joe Brick's daughter-in-law Janet, Brick.
This image was scanned at 75 DPI from the original 8"x10" print.
To see higher resolution scanned images, click below:
If you know anything more about these photos and/or documnets, or the people and/or the events depicted within them, please contact Charles Vaqrvayanis
Website created and managed by Charles Varvayanis
To submit comments or contribute material contact:
Charles Varvayanis
P.O. Box 395, Long Barn, CA 95335-0395
Phone: (209) 586-3782
Fax: (209) 586-3761